Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Tiffany's: Eternal Abundance

Let it be known: diamonds are not my best friend. I do not yearn for tennis bracelets or engagement rings. I am much more impressed by the sensuality of gorgeous food and fine wine. I delight in the intangible state of knowing you are truly loved, cherished, or admired. And as often as possible, I revel in the joy of being in a milieu which both fulfills and inspires my tastes, desires and passions.

Holly Golightly, an excruciatingly chic and adorable heroine, feels this way about Tiffany's. It's a place where she feels safe, a place where nothing bad could ever happen, a peaceful haven, an oasis. It isn't inherently so, but Tiffany's is absolutely all of these things to Holly.

I've been lucky enough to find many 'Tiffany's' in my world: my favourite yoga studio, Vancouver's seawall, a hug from my boyfriend. If The Sartorialist blog were a place, I'd hang out there often.

I also have a small but growing list of restaurants and grocery stores which grace this list. As soon as I step in the door of any of these establishments: BAM! I have arrived! Blood pressure drops, eyes dilate. Sigh.

I'm eager to share them all with you, but at the same time I'm curious to know: what's your Tiffany's?

First on my list: two in one! Eternal Abundance on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. They sell organic produce. No frills, no fancy displays, no 'organic' junkfood..just gorgeous organic produce. They are also home to the Truffle Cafe which serves up drool worthy RAW meals in the back of the store. The produce is kept fresh with filtered water from spray bottles, unlike big name health food stores that mechanically spray dubious tap water on all their lovely organic fruits and veggies.



Paula said...

Oh Melissa.. I hear you loud. My Tiffany's is a stroll through a cute neighborhood, on a crisp spring day, picking bits of rosemary and sage that peek through the neighbor's fence posts. Then going home and making mushroom & sage burgers, & drinking red wine with my husband and 2 kitties. What more could I ask for?

mullet said...

walking down the street i saw their sandwich board advertising zughetti for $7. i went inside and ordered then ate my food. i should have checked the receipt. when i handed it over along with a $20 at the till. the cashier rang it up as $7.99. confused i looked at the receipt and it was $7.99.

"i thought it was $7", i said.

"nope", the cashier pointed at the board above counter, "it's $7.99."

i showed her the sandwich board outside. she laughed at me and said that was just an advertised price. she refused to give me the dollar back.

i wonder what other sneaky things they are up to?