Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Solstice Season!

The winter solstice season drives people indoors to nest, cuddle, make soup and make love. It's an introspective time of year, and it is no wonder this is also a time for sharing and giving.

To quote my fortune cookie: "If you continually give, you will continually have."

Sounds great to me!

It's difficult to chose only a handful of charities to give to, however here are three dear to my heart. They represent the international, the local, and our dear friends who are not of the human variety.

I'd love to hear about what charities are dear to you and why.

Please share, and give...

Kiva : Small Business loans for individuals in developing countries. Just brilliant. "Teach a man to fish..."

A Loving Spoonful : You don't need to go to developing nations to find the poor and destitute. They live in our backyard.

WSPA : It's easy to forget that we are not the only species that live on the planet. Let's help our fellow Earthings enjoy a quality of life that isn't excruciating.

Have a happy & abundant solstice season! xo

1 comment:

D said...

Santas Anonymous !

Cause they give toys to kids.

Mustard Seed

Local well known do good visible work.